Nice work.
Who says clocks can't produce flash? Apart from a lot of people..
They can..nice work here CandleClock..very much in the style of Jim Ether's review movies.
I liked the way you did it..and I like the comebacks you make towards the reviews.
Meowmix24..who reviewed this are a dumb probably didn't even watch the movie..
All you say is holy f*ck@!!!stupidshit1omfg!! this viable information? NO!
Congratulations! Your a retard!
Stop flaming movies you don't even watch...don't be all "oh im so 1337 i hate clock crew cos they suck they all suckz and i wantz them to die!"
You are the bigger retard in this sound like a fricking pokemon..why don't you just fucking shutup..and get back inside your pokeball you Mcfuck.
Anyhow...nice movie Candle..don't let bitches like Meowmix get in your way..